Shop Signs

I have a friend in Florida who just opened up a new Boutique.  She makes handmade soap and she also carries candles and other fun items.  She had me do the vinyl signage for her shop walls and windows.  Here are a few pictures. 

Menu Boards

 Well, we had our girl's night on October 4th.  I got busy and forgot to take any pictures.  Everybody ended up with some cute boards, but the only pictures I have are the ones I took for the sample picture.  Most of the girls turned their frames sideways - I didn't think of that :)  But you get the general idea anyway.  It was a lot of fun having so many friends over and seeing the different ideas each of them had.

Personalized Nursery Wall Decal

My daughter wanted a fun decal for her new nursery.  She was using sage and brown for her nursery colors.  I think it turned out really cute and added a personal touch with his name on the wall.

Wipe off Calendar - 16 x 20

I had a request for a calendar to use on the inside of a frame.  She was going to use fabric behind the glass and the vinyl would go on the inside.  If you use dry erase markers, they can be wiped off and then the glass is ready for the new month.  I thought it was a great idea!  It could also be used on the outside of a dry erase board just as easily.

We are going to be making some menu/grocery list wipe off boards for our Girl's night in Ocotober.  I'll post pictures of those when we are done with them.

Large Swirly Tree for the Nursery

My daughter wanted a large tree for her new baby's room.  She is due in October.  Her husband painted the room a light gray.  Then she painted the crib black and made the bedding.  (You can check out her blog here or etsy shop here.)  Then we put the tree on the wall.  It looked great and the colors were perfect!  We had a lot of fun putting it up.  I will say it is a 2- or 3-man job!!  It took a while, but it was worth it when we were done.  My 2-1/2 year old grandson was so excited about the tree on his new baby brother's wall. 
For more information on this large tree email us.  We'd be happy to answer any questions.  To order visit my etsy shop here